Thursday, July 17, 2014

U is for UP!


Blog Challenge pictures-001

I feel like I am beating a dead horse here, but I am just not happy with how our homeschool went last year.

I feel like I focused too much on making money. Don’t get me wrong, we needed it.  My husband had switched jobs and then was injured on the job shortly after that. For now, I am in a position where I work because I like it.  I realize I will probably have to cut back on that.

I feel like I focused too much on other peoples children.  I completely enjoyed teaching my co-op classes and they benefitted my children as well.  I understand that we all have to take our turn in order to create successful group classes.  I think I am going to have to cut back on that too.  Not only the co-op classes they take, but I just don’t think I can teach any this year.

I feel like I focused too much on my phone.  I always had it on me.  I got caught up in the games, and in Facebook.  I realize this and have made a commitment to leave my phone on my nightstand until after we are done with school next year.  This is actually going to go for my children’s phones as well.

I feel like I focused too much on to much.  This year we are completely going to simplify, and while I haven’t made all my curriculum decisions for next year,  I have made some.  The goal is going to be simple (on me) and efficient.

So while I feel like this, my 5th year of homeschooling was a total bomb, it can only go up from here! 

I am excited for the future!


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