Thursday, November 6, 2014

Throwback Thursday (Updated) Gingerbread Houses and Architecture.

This is the very first post I ever wrote on this blog.  It was so long ago and the kids have grown so much!  I decided to go back through and add some resources I found.

We studied architecture around the world during November. We built Lego houses. We drew cities with many different elements (such as roadways, utilities, parks, stadiums, ect.). We learned about how the first towns/cities were built. (It all started with farming, they didn't have to travel for food anymore.) We went to see the lights at Temple Square and to talk about the architecture of the buildings downtown. To end this unit study we built an igloo in our front yard, thanks to all the snow.


We also built gingerbread houses. What fun!





Since this post I have found quite a few architecture resources.

Here is a graded Homeschool Architecture course.

MIT has an open coursewear  class that is completely free!

Homeschool Giveaways has a whole list!

There are many great elementary architecture resources, including this one.

Architecture is a great way to incorporate art and show kids that art is all around us.
Check out these art architecture resources:

Deep Space Sparkle


I hope you enjoy teaching your children about architecture!

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