Monday, May 9, 2011

Assessment Day~Kindergarten


Even though we homeschool through the summer,  since the public school year is coming to an end, I felt inspired to assess how far we have come.


Today we did a Kindergarten assessment. 


Here is what we did. 


She was told today would be a “testing day”


I gave Katey a paper with premade boxes.  She sat at the table with a pencil.  I then told her a letter twice (ie; capital L, capital letter L), and then slowly counted to 5 (in my head) and moved on.  We did this with capital and lowercase letters. 


Next I had a sheet with all the capital and lowercase letters mixed up.  I would point to a letter and she would have to tell me the letter name.


Then I had her number a paper from 1-20. 


I then had her read a list of the sight words she had learned, along with some phonics words, I even threw in the next sight words we will be working on, just to see. 


I had her tell me the days of the week and the months of the year in order.


She recited our address and phone number.


I had her identify shapes and sort objects. 


She had to do some math problems; addition and subtraction to 10. 


She then extended patterns. 


We then got out the money to identify change and she had to tell me how much each is worth.


I had her read simple sentences using different punctuation and explain what each means. 


I know what I already taught her and I was interested to see how she would fair in a testing situation. 


I have mixed feelings about Katey and testing, well really I have mixed feelings about testing.  I think she feels the pressure and locks up or something.   In certain things I generally don’t agree with teaching to the test.  However this assessment made both Katey and I feel really good.  I hope with her doing so well, it will ease the pressure she puts on herself next time she is put in a testing situation.


She did really well.  She said she is smarter than she thought.  She was walking around hugging herself she was so proud. 


I am so proud as well! 


It was interesting to see how she knows the sounds of all the letters when reading, but when tested she missed a few.  That same thing happened with many things today.  She got it right here, but not there kinda thing. 


We celebrated with some chocolate cake BEFORE lunch!  What a treat!

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