Monday, March 12, 2012

Interactive Literary Study Guides.


Progeny Press offers interactive literature study guides from a Christian perspective.  These come in PDF format, either on a disk or downloaded via email.
We have been listening to The Cay on audio book and we have been using The Cay Study Guide to go along with it.

This has been quite the experience.  This has been my first time ever reading The Cay.    It is a middle school aged book.  I love how the study guide has you reflect and analyze the book. 
My children do not love writing.  One thing that is really great about this guide is that the PDF versions are interactive, meaning you can type the answer in right on the PDF.  There are also multiple choice answers, where your child will just choose the correct answer as well as matching activities. 
This was really a great change for them as I mentioned they do not like writing.
I was able to save a master copy of the PDF and then save each child a copy, for example TheCay-Emily and TheCay-Tommy.  That way they just save their work when they are done and I can go check it from the computer.  I even transferred the guide over to my Kindle and while it is not editable there, I was able to refer quickly to it for some discussion questions as well as narration exercises as well as the scriptural references. 
You can view a sample of the study guide.
The interactive Cd and Download versions are $16.99 each
The booklet version is $18.99
You can get the Cd and booklet for $21.99

The Cay is suggested for middle grades (5-8).  They offer many literary study guides.   As a crew we reviewed a variety of them.  Be sure and check out our crew blog to see other.

To see what others though of this check out this post. To see a wide variety of reviews check out our crew blog.

As a member of The Old Schoolhouse Homeschool Crew I review products like this, which I receive for free in order to be able to share my honest opinion.

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