Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summer is…. fizzy sidewalk paint


I got this great idea for fizzy sidewalk paint from Quirky Mom
I tell you what, this paint to me 5 minutes to mix up 3 different colors; pink, purple and green.  P1020616
It kept the kids entertained for 2 hours, and they could have gone longer, but it was getting close to dinner time and we had to go inside. 
Even I got into it and made this “Way Awesome Painting”, yes that is the official name.
They spent an hour just painting.  They spent the next hour spraying the paint with vinegar to watch it fizz.
The paint easily washed off the driveway. 
This was so fun, I am sure we will add this to our Summer Bucket List from now on.

I used this recipe. 
1/2 cup corn starch
1/2 cup baking soda
Squirt of Crayola Washable Paint
6 tbsp water
Mix it all up.

Honestly this recipe was not the greatest.  I may have added to much water.  Because of the corn starch if it wasn’t too runny then it was too thick and I had to continue to stir it.  We didn’t let any of this ruin our fun though.    And in the end our paintbrushes broke.  They were just those cheap sponge brushes and I expected that.  Next time I am going to buy those rubber brushes from Crayola or maybe some dollar store rubber basting brushes. 

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