Friday, June 1, 2012

O is for Opportunity


There have been many times in my life when I have been handed an opportunity and it came by way of scaring me out of my comfort zone. 


Let me share a few examples of them with you.

About 1 1/2 years ago my husband sensed layoffs coming and began to look for another job.  He found one in a small town more than 200 miles away from anyone we know.  We decided to think and pray about it.  The next day we were given our answer loud and clear.  He was laid off.  We were lucky enough to have family looking for a place to rent.  So we rented out our house to them.  We packed up our 4 kids and moved.  It was absolutely the scariest thing I have ever done.  If we failed we would be all alone.  I did leave myself some cushion, or at least, these things made me feel better.  I still had my house in my old town to go back to if the job and town didn’t work out.  It is “only” a 4 hour drive “back home”. 

Well here we are just over a year later and I have been extremely happy with the town we live in and my husband has been extremely happy with his job. We recently sold the house in our old town.  While I definitely miss family down there.  This new town is my new home. 

Looking back I realize what an opportunity this has been for my family.  Ever since I married my husband (almost 9 years ago), we have talked about moving to a small town.  This job gave us that opportunity.  My kids are so happy and so are we! 

While there are lots of homeschoolers there, an active homeschool group was almost non-existent.  I decided to plan a Valentine’s Day party and met quite a few homeschoolers there.  I found out about a great Karate Studio that quite a few homeschool and public school kids go to.  I also found out about the very few co-op classes taught by moms.  My daughter did take a co-op class this year.  Next year is looking much more active.  We have been planning field trips, rotating who is planning what.  We are planning much more co-op classes.  I am even going to teach one.  I don’t know which one. 

I cannot even begin to tell you how many opportunities have been because we JUMPED out of our comfort zone and took the huge risk we took. 

Opportunity has also came to me by way of homeschooling. We have been able to take off peak vacations (soon I will write about our Route 66 trip we just got back from).  We have been able to go back to the city to see family when someone has got sick or is visiting from out of state.  My kids still learn while we are on vacations, however I feel it is extremely important to have a strong sense of family and compassion. 



Unknown said...

most of my regrets in life are missed opportunities. thanks for the reminder to seize them!

Kym said...

it's wonderful that you've been able to make the most of the opportunities that have come your way!


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