Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fantasy Canyon

We have been talking a lot about erosion lately.  We looked at erosion by water when we were at the lake.  We took this week and learned about wind erosion. 

Right near us is a place called Fantasy Canyon.  It has some of the neatest wind erosion I have ever seen. 

We drove there and then had a picnic lunch before we started walking around. 



Many of the features have names. 

This one is boxing bear.  Do you see it?




This one is a flying witch.  (I took the picture from a bad angle though.)



Doesn’t that look like a castle back behind the kids?



We were all amazed at how neat it was. 



These features are so fragile that you are not allowed to touch them.  They will break and not be there for the next people to enjoy. 



Tommy even found a piece of petrified wood.  In our state it is legal to take one piece of petrified wood and 25 pounds of dinosaur bones per day, on state land, with limits on how many pounds per year.   So we let Tommy bring it home.



We love science field trips so much.

I get many of my field trip ideas from our  local Chamber of Commerce.  I highly recommend going to yours and seeing all the things your community offers. 

1 comment:

Langworthy said...

We have GOT to go check this out!! About how far of a drive would it be from SLC (West Jordan) area?


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